#AllSystemsRed (The Murderbot Diaries, #1): You’re going to want to read this…

All Systems Red (The Murderbot Diaries, #1)
By:  Martha Wells
My Rating: FIVE out of FIVE stars
Best for: 16 and up

I love big stories pack into little pages.

A conflicted AI with a past so tragic he calls himself Murderbot…but that’s private. As long as no one discovers he’s hacked his governor module, he can pretend he’s just doing his job as security for some boring scientists collecting samples on a boring planet and watch endless TV shows when no one is looking.

But what will happen when the humans learn his secret?

This story was a lot of fun. Scyfy. Mystery. Sabotage. Reluctant heroes. Alien planet. Robots. Feelings? How does great Scyfy packed into a book that can be read in a day sound?

Ya–you’re going to want to check this one out.

Books 2, 3, and 4 will be published in 2018. I’ll be reading them.

Watch out for some grown-up language.  Older teens and adults will appreciate this one the most.

Happy reading!

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