#Snapshot: I’m Brandon Sanderson and I’m a Writing Savant.

Snapshot by Brandon Sanderson

My rating: 5 of 5 stars

Hi. I’m Brandon Sanderson. I’m brilliant. I can write a book in any genre and it will be universally adored.

For example, while I’m in the middle of writing the 1000+ page, third book of my 3rd epic fantasy series that most people consider the best fantasy of our day, I got bored.

To keep my mind sharp, I went ahead and wrote a “novella”–what authors of 1000+ page books call normal length books–about buddy cops solving a murder mystery. It’ll be set in the near future, and it will include futuristic crime solving techniques and have a great twist at the end. Trust me, it’s going to be great.

I think I’ll call it…Snapshot.

Happy Reading

10 responses to “#Snapshot: I’m Brandon Sanderson and I’m a Writing Savant.”

  1. Lol! He is a machine, isn’t he? Someone should come up with an algorithm where they assign each author a score based on a formula of (number of pages) x (quality of books) reduced by (time in writing/editing) and he will be the ultimate winner of the whole damned thing. It’s amazing.

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