#TheFateoftheTearling: So close, yet so far.


The Fate of the Tearling by Erika Johansen

I didn’t love book one.

I didn’t love book two.

Any guesses what I thought of book three?

I kept on with the series because the story was intriguing. A kingdom of Queens and magic. Chosen ones who must learn to accept their role as hero. Immortal bad guys. Questions to be answered. Flashbacks that fill in the missing pieces of the story.

All the pieces were there. It just couldn’t come together.

Book three actually had me excited for a while. These characters were finally being cool. They weren’t saying dumb things and making horrible choices. The story stayed interesting.

Then, the ending happened. It was awful, and with that ending all the annoyances came rushing back. All good will was lost.

Too much social commentary. Too much shade thrown at religion. Too much sex and language. Too much awful. Not enough awesome.

I wanted to know how it ended. Now I know.


My recommendation? Stay away.

Happy Reading! (Of something else…)

5 responses to “#TheFateoftheTearling: So close, yet so far.”

  1. Oh no, no, that doesn’t sound good at all! I liked the first 2 books but there was a lot, especially in book 2, that annoyed me (Kelsea suddenly became this stunningly beautiful queen…all those sex scenes, that were really unnecessary if you ask me..)
    I will still read it though, I am too curious 😀 See how far I get..

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